It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s also the perfect time to share with others why the birth of Christ is significant to us as Christians. At a time in American Society when “Merry Christmas” is being eliminated as a greeting and replaced with “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings,” it’s important that we let our light shine.
Allow me to remind you why we celebrate this holiday…Just over 2000 years ago, before there were silver bells and mistletoe, there was a baby born in the town of Bethlehem. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit by a virgin. He was born in a manager because there was no room in any of the local inns. His birth was so special that a star in the sky led the way to Him. Wise men traveled from the east bringing the Jesus child priceless gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Shepherd boys came to witness first hand what had been told to them by an angel and returned to their lands rejoicing, praising God, and sharing the good news with everyone along their path. Herod the King was curious about this new King of the Jews and sought to destroy Him.
Why all the fuss over a little baby boy? He wasn’t just any baby boy. The angel declared to Mary and Joseph that He would be called the Son of God. His name would be Jesus, for “He shall save His people from their sins,” and “of His kingdom there will be no end.” All these were pretty powerful statements concerning a baby born in a manger.
But this was the way God intended it. You see, a long time ago God our Heavenly Father and creator of the universe wanted a family—offspring that was created in His image with whom He could fellowship. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed and betrayed God in the Garden of Eden, the tight-knit fellowship they had with God was broken. Their sin put a wedge in the relationship that would have to be restored if God were to once again enjoy the level of intimacy He had with His children.
More than anything, God wanted to redeem His children. Yet under the law God had established, forgiveness of sin required a pure and holy sacrifice. So God created the perfect plan. He would offer up His only begotten Son—fully God, yet fully man.
Jesus was not only born miraculously, but He lived a miraculous life. He walked this earth fulfilling to-the-letter, over 300 prophecies. He lived a sin-free life in constant communion with our Heavenly Father. He went about His life doing good—bringing healing and restoration to all those who were broken-hearted and “poor” or lacking—in spirit, in health, and in wealth. He didn’t live for Himself but lived a life dedicated to His God-given purpose. “For this purpose was the Son of God manifested; that He might destroy the works of the evil one.” And that’s what Jesus did. (I John 3:8)
When the innocent man Jesus was crucified on the cross even the earth shook in response. The sky darkened and the rocks rent. Jesus descended to hell but couldn’t stay because He was blameless—thus defeating, death, Satan and the grave. Three days later Jesus ascended to Heaven to once again be with His Heavenly Father. “Mission accomplished!” Jesus was the pure and holy sacrifice needed to restore God’s children to Himself. Now God can again enjoy the intimacy He once knew with His children if we just believe.
You see, salvation like everything else in this life is really not “about us” it’s about God. God created us and loves us so dearly that He arranged to pay the price so that we could be redeemed. Because of Jesus we have life that is abundant, joy that is unspeakable and peace that passes all understanding. We have assurance of our salvation, life worth living and power to overcome evil. We have the power to live as Jesus lived—compassionately and sacrificially. Mark 6:34 tells us that when Jesus saw the multitude, He was “moved with compassion toward them because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and He began to teach them many things.” Jesus lived His life to help others find their purpose and their way back to God. We are to do the same.
So why should we be excited and eager to share the good news of Christ’s birth? Because truly his birth, life, death and resurrection is one incredible Christmas story that truly needs to be told. Never on the face of the earth was there a man who was born of a virgin, lived a life of miracles, crucified to death, resurrected and still alive today. In no other religion is there a “savior,” “prophet,” or “religious leader” whose remains are not in a grave or tomb somewhere.
So when someone asks you, or if you choose to volunteer “why you celebrate Christmas,” perhaps you can quote John 3:16 with renewed meaning and depth. For it most certainly is true—“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
May these words have renewed meaning for you and life-transforming power to those who hear and believe for the first time.
Merry Christmas!
Copyright ©2004 by Anita S. Lane
1 comment:
What a super article. Keep it up
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