Often while in preparation for parenthood we look at having a child solely from our personal vantage point. We will have a baby whom we can love and who will love us. We’ll teach, train and guide them and well—of course we have our mission as parents and the child will, of course, come along for the ride.
Yet the Word of God tells us that each and every one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God knew our name, He formed us, and He called us while we were yet in our mother’s womb (Isaiah 49:1). God has a distinct purpose for every child he allows to be born into the earth. And just like baby Jesus needed a conduit for getting here, your child needed you.
Now you are the steward of God’s special little one. Yes, you’re handling the day-to-day affairs, but the child yet belongs to God and you must seek God for His instructions on how best to raise the child He’s given you. Our children, just like our spouses, relatives and friends, are on loan to us while here on earth. God created people on earth for Himself. We just help groom them into the people He wants them to be.
This is particularly so if you give birth to a child prodigy, a child-star, a gifted or special needs child. If this is the case, sorry, you’re no longer the captain at the helm. The child’s mission and needs become the driving factor. Parents end up moving to California, evolving their lives around special courses, lessons or tournaments and/or relocating the family to a school district that can better accommodate their special needs child.
When we enlisted as parents, these are the types of sacrifices we potentially could be called upon to make, and God’s blessed you with everything you need to parent the child or children whom He has given you. So relax, let up of the helm a little and let God fulfill His will in the earth through your child.
And don’t be alarmed if you find that the baby is the one on a mission and you’re just along for the ride.
Copyright ©2005 by Anita S. Lane
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